Probate and Trust Administration

What Is The Threshold Of Probate

Probate is necessary if all assets at the time of death exceed $166,250. This includes real estate property, businesses, cash, etc. If you have substantial assets, it is time to contact a probate lawyer who can guide you and answer any questions you might have about securing your family’s and loved ones’ futures. If you plan accordingly, you then can rest easy knowing that they will not be bogged down in court proceedings when they are still in mourning. Consult with an expert in probate at Quaranto Law Firm in San Francisco, CA.

Is Probate Required In California?

In most cases, probate is required in California. If the specific assets are already legally designated to a beneficiary, then those assets will not go through probate. Another instance where assets might avoid probate is if those assets are jointly owned. In that case, the assets would go directly to the co-owner. If you have questions about probate requirements, contact Quaranto Law Firm at (415) 484-0078.

How Can I Avoid Probate In California?

You might be able to avoid probate if you hire an experienced Probate & Trust Administration Attorney. A probate lawyer who is well-versed in probate and estate planning law can assist you in constructing a living trust. This living trust will designate trustees and administrators who will be responsible for your assets should you become unable. Trustees are considered legal owners of the property in question. There are a variety of other ways to keep your assets amongst your loved ones to be sure they all go where you would like them to, once you are no longer here. To learn more, contact an estate administration lawyer. Estate Administration Lawyers will be able to help you decide what path would be the best based on your specific needs. Call Quaranto Law Firm in San Francisco, CA. Our phone number is (415) 484-0078.

Is A Lawyer Necessary If My Loved One’s Case Goes To Probate Court?

Probate court does not require a lawyer. However, if you are not well-versed in probate law, you might get quite confused. It is always in your best interest to hire a lawyer who is knowledgeable and has experience in probate law. Trust Litigation Attorneys will be able to navigate the court system, paperwork, and your questions to make sure all parties are treated fairly and that there are no mistakes in the process. Quaranto Law Firm can help save you the time and frustration of going through the probate process alone.

More Information:

If you still have questions about the probate process, or if you need guidance in any estate planning, contact an experienced Trust Administration Lawyer at Quaranto Law Firm in San Franciso, CA, for a free consultation at (415) 484-0078.

Bringing You Through California’s Probate And Trust Process

California probate can be a long and arduous process required at a time when you should be focused solely on the ones you love. So, when the process is unavoidable, we hope to make it as easy as possible for you. However, many preemptive actions can cut down on the odds of requiring probate and protect your loved ones altogether.

Probate is a process that can be tedious and drawn out in the easiest of situations, but when paired with the pain of losing a loved one and the general confusion surrounding the time itself, it can become painstaking. When faced with enduring probate, the first step should be contacting a Probate Attorney if one is not already retained for the family. They will guide you through each step in the journey and work to make it as painless as possible.

Since probate can be handled differently between states and even counties, finding an attorney local to the San Francisco, CA, area is imperative. With the expertise and specialization gained over years of experience, Kelsey Quaranto is ready to assist you in any estate planning endeavor you may need.

Since the possibility for infighting and conflict can rise so much during the period after the loss of a family member or loved one, capable estate plan administration is essential. After establishing your will, trusts, or combinations of both, there is still the question of who will oversee those documents and their maintenance. At this stage, finding the right attorney can make an immense difference.

By finding the right Trust Administration Lawyer, you will be able to rest comfortably, knowing that any contingency that arises will be taken care of swiftly and in your best interests. This will allow your family a sigh of relief as well, knowing that in the event of unexpected tragedy, the necessary precautions have been taken.

Suppose you become incapacitated and are unable to make the necessary decisions required to maintain your estate planning documents. In that case, a Probate & Trust Administration Attorney will have already made provisions not to nullify your trusts. By establishing an administrator that you trust will work in your best interest, your family will remain taken care of, and the assets within your trust will remain protected.

Planning for the unfortunate event of death or incapacitation can be off-putting for anyone, especially when keeping family in mind. However, once you begin planning for it, an immense weight can be lifted off your shoulders. Often, the frightening aspect of estate planning is uncertainty, but once a plan is created and maintained, the peace of mind you will find is priceless. After helping many families prepare for the future and simplify their probate process, Kelsey Quaranto has the tools to help tailor an estate plan to any situation you may bring.

Call Quaranto Law today to schedule a consultation and let a seasoned Probate & Trust Administration Attorney answer your questions and alleviate your concerns. In San Francisco, CA, there is no better place to begin planning your estate and examining the best options for you. Remember, it is never too early to start planning for the inevitable, but there may be a time when it is too late. With whatever questions or concerns you may have, call Kelsey Quaranto today and start the path to peace of mind.

Kelsey Quaranto

Call For A Free Consultation (415) 484-0078