Estate Planning

What Is The Minimum That Should Be Included When Creating An Estate Plan?

Many people are under the impression that all they need to do to prepare for their families and loved ones should they pass is simply write a will or create a trust. We help clients prepare beyond that. Some of the Best Estate Planning Lawyers in San Francisco, CA, are at Quaranto Law, and they are experts at giving you the security of knowing that your family members will have access to and control your assets should you become unable to do so yourself.

The following are the minimum estate planning services that should be included in a good estate plan, if you are working with the Best Law Firms for Estate Law:

Will Or Trust

A will or a trust is the main piece that should be included when creating an estate plan. Even if you think you have very few assets, this should be a priority for anyone. An experienced estate planning attorney can guide you through this process, in addition to helping with more complex documents.

Power of Attorney

It is always a good idea to assign someone to act on your behalf in situations in which you might not be able to do so yourself. Without a power of attorney in place, the court might then make decisions regarding your assets.

Letter Of Intent

A letter of intent is a legal document that is left to the executor of your estate. These letters will give the executor direction of how to best distribute your assets exactly how you wanted them to be. The letter could include special requests or funeral wishes.

Healthcare Power Of Attorney

A healthcare power of attorney is another valuable document for all. In this document, the client will designate a person who they trust to make healthcare decisions in the client’s stead, if the client was unable to soundly make decisions. The person chosen should be someone the client trusts and has similar views, so that the decisions are similar to what the client would want.

More Information:

Beneficiary Designations

We will assist the client in designating a beneficiary or beneficiaries. Beneficiaries are the persons to whom the client will leave particular assets. If there are no beneficiaries documented, then the court will decide where your assets are assigned.

Guardianship Designations

For those people who plan to have children or already have minor children, guardianship should be carefully considered. Who will take care of your children if you no longer can for any reason? You should choose someone who shares your values, are willing to parent your children, and have the financial ability to do so. It might be a good idea to have a backup designee also.

Contact Quaranto Law, one of the Best Law Firms for Estate Planning in San Francisco, CA, if you have any questions or if you are ready to begin the process of estate planning. It is never too early! Call us today for a free consultation. Our phone number is (415) 484-0078.

While it is never too early to begin planning your estate, it can be too late. Estate Planning Lawyers can assist you in finding the best combination of documents for your unique situation. By retaining one of the Best Law Firms for Estate Law in San Francisco, CA, you can rest assured knowing that your loved ones will be provided for in the case of tragedy.

Many resources are available online that tout a simple and easy process to protect your assets in the event of your death or incapacitation. However, what they will not tell you is that a fill-in-the-blank will is often going to be rejected when scrutinized by a court. Since each state has its regulations and guidelines when planning your estate, general documents can leave out critical aspects of the process.

A National Estate Planning Lawyer will break down the pros and cons of the many options available to you and will guide you on the right path for the circumstances you are in. Depending on your family style or the assets you wish to protect and pass along, there are estate planning options that can be tailor-fitted precisely to you. You may need a trust which can be either revocable or irrevocable, or you may just need a simple will document. The nature of your estate planning process is entirely dependent on your goals for your assets and the precautions you would like to put into place in the event of incapacitation.

At Quaranto Law, we specialize in building estate plans around the needs of our clients. No matter the situation, family, or asset, we will work diligently until you have the peace of mind that only comes from knowing that the unexpected is planned for. If you have already made an estate plan, even with another firm, there may be situations that necessitate a change or update of the document or assets therein. It is always better to be safe than sorry, so if a significant life change has occurred, or if you simply want to do your due diligence, call a Trusts & Estate Planning Attorney as soon as possible.

If you do not know where to begin or are unsure whether you truly require an estate plan, ensure you find specialized assistance for your area. Estate Planning Lawyers local to San Francisco, CA, will be familiar with the requirements for building an estate plan that will avoid probate as much as possible and consider whatever style of family you may have.

Planning for the future and the unexpected can seem like a daunting task, which many people choose to avoid for as long as possible. However, this is a misconception. With the assistance of Quaranto Law, one of the Best Law Firms for Estate Law in San Francisco, CA, we will guide you through every step of the process and ensure that you are never left in the dark. If you are unsure where to begin or would simply like to voice your concerns, call today for a free consultation.

Creating Peace of Mind for You and Your Family

Life is full of unexpected moments. Estate planning offers proactive solutions to such moments and to some of life’s greatest challenges. You can trust that you have prepared for the unexpected and designed an estate plan that honors and provides for your family by becoming a valued client at Quaranto Law.

How We Can Work For You.

Quaranto Law was built with the needs of growing families in mind. We believe in personalized service for every client. Our approach is educational and proactive. We first determine our client’s individual needs, desires and values, we then educate our clients on the options available to them, and finally we tailor their plan to ensure it will protect their family when they need it most.

We represent families throughout varying stages of life:

  • traditional two parent families or single parents wishing to provide for and protect their children and themselves
  • unmarried couples who are either solidifying their relationship through proper planning or dissolving their relationship with the assistance of caring counsel
  • blended families negotiating the challenges of creating new relationships with varying expectations
  • estate executors and beneficiaries navigating the court process of probate administration
  • family members or trustees carrying out the legacy left behind through a trust administration

We work with you to structure and design comprehensive estate plans. We seek to protect your children, protect your legacy and provide for your needs at times of incapacity.

Kelsey Quaranto

Call For A Free Consultation (415) 484-0078